Losses from the Dong Tam case

It seems that the trial of 29 Dong Tam villagers was “closely directed to the end of certain leaders” – that is the judgment of Lawyer Ngo Ngoc Trai when attending the trial that many observers judged that there will…
Dong Tam, the pain left behind

The Hanoi Court’s September 14 ruling with 29 Dong Tam land petitioners caused a shock to the entire Vietnamese people and it will certainly go into the history of the nation as the domination of barbarism. The Communist Party of…
Vietnam vows not to allow the establishment of opposition

Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Public Security Le Quy Vuong on September 14 said that Vietnam had “prevented attempts of “riot, terrorism, sabotage” and vows “not to allow the formation of opposing political organizations in the country,” according to the official…
Party’s Propaganda – the culprit bring unjust in Dong Tam case

Journalist Manh Kim announced on Facebook the content of a directive document of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)’s Central Committee on Propaganda and Education titled “Excerpt of the press work of the 34th week, the Press Publishing Department, the…
Lawyers in Dong Tam Case facing danger?

Some lawyers involved in defending in political cases, or other cases considered sensitive in Vietnam, said they have been likely being monitored. The latest incident happened to a number of lawyers defending the Dong Tam defendants. On the afternoon of…
How long will the Communist regime survive further in Vietnam?

To say “health of the political system” or “stability of institutions” are words that seem academic and scientific, but its main implication in the folk language is the question: when this regime will collapse and under what scenario will it…