Plan to stop China in the South China Sea

Jeff Becker, a researcher and consultant in the field of defense, currently living in Virginia, the US, recently published an article entitled “How to prevent China from completing its takeover of the South China Sea.” The analysis was posted on…
China live-fire drill with strong capacity in the South China Sea

The Chinese military is conducting a live-fire drill near the Leizhou Peninsula, in Guangdong province, which is close to Hainan Island, state media reported. The exercise took place at the gateway area into the South China Sea starting Saturday, amid…
Vietnam donates $100,000 for China to cope with natural disasters

Vietnam has just donated China with $100,000 as its neighbor suffers from heavy rains, floods and earthquakes that killed more than 100 people and millions became homeless. The humanitarian action of the Vietnamese side takes place in the context that…
Mike Pompeo’s statement on the South China Sea welcomed

Observers told the BBC Sea about the US statements and actions regarding the South China Sea (Vietnamese call it the East Sea) recently. They share their comments on the novelty and the quality impact on security in the region’s South…