Vietnam party chief remains surprised as State President knocked-down by police chief

On March 13, Vietnam’s state-controlled media reported that the Human Resources Subcommittee of the Communist Party of Vietnam held a meeting on the issue of high-level personnel for the 14th Party National Congress.

According to Le Van Doan, a person familiar with internal information within the Communist Party of Vietnam, on the same day, March 13, there was also a meeting of the Politburo. During this meeting, after the reports of the Central Commission for Internal Affairs, the Central Inspection Commission and the Ministry of Public Security, the Politburo collective agreed “requesting Vo Van Thuong to apply for resignation from all currently held positions, such as: State President, Chairman of the National Defense and Security Council, Commander-in-Chief of the Vietnam People’s Armed Forces, Member of the Party Central Committee, Member of the 13th Politburo …”

The rumor just mentioned was confirmed by an international news agency on March 14, when it said that the King and Queen of the Netherlands postponed their visit scheduled to take place from March 19 to 22, at the request of the Vietnamese government. The reason given is that there are problems with the “internal” situation of Vietnam’s senior leaders.

A question of public concern is, what is the “internal matter” of Vietnam’s leaders?

What does that have to do with the speculations that are heating up social networks and Political Forums today?

Some knowledgeable sources have confirmed:

“The violations of State President Vo Van Thuong are related to the fact that the C03 Police Investigation Agency of the Ministry of Public Security, on March 8, probed and arrested former Chairman Cao Khoa of Quang Ngai province, and incumbent Chairman of Quang Ngai province Dang Van Minh on charge of “violating accounting regulations causing serious consequences.”

In addition, Chief of the District Party Committee Office of Mang Thit district, Vinh Long province – Dang Trung Hoanh, also arrested on March 8, is a compatriot and right-hand man of Cao Khoa Vo Van Thuong. Mr. Hoanh is said to have received VND60 billion from Nguyen Van Hau – Chairman of Phuc Son Group, to build an ancestral temple for Vo Van Thuong in his hometown, Mang Thit district, Vinh Long province. In return, Phuc Son Group received investment projects worth thousands of billions of dong.

According to observers, the above mentioned rumors have no less than 90% credibility and it is only a matter of time before State President Thuong withdraws from politics.

Thuong – currently the number 2 figure in the hierarchy of top leaders of the Communist Party of Vietnam. He is a personnel selected and trained directly by General Secretary Trong for a long time.

So, with the highest responsibility, how did the Human Resources Subcommittee and Trong personally react?


According to observers, at the meeting of the Human Resources Subcommittee of the 14th Party Congress, which took place on March 13, as Head of the Human Resources Subcommittee of the 14th National Congress, Trong chaired the meeting.

The state-controlled media described that General Secretary Trong appeared in a rather unusual state, but still made dogmatic demands, such as: The Politburo must be a truly united, clean, strong, and High unity of will and action. At the same time, it is necessary to have strong political courage, close ties with the people, and gather solidarity and unity within the entire Party and the entire people; enough prestige and capacity to lead the country in the new stage of development.

According to experts, General Secretary Trong’s comments are only intended to reassure the people, in the face of an increasingly “fierce” power struggle within the Party, related to senior personnel for the 14th National Congress of the party. At the same time, it was also said that Trong was quite surprised by the dangerous attack that Minister To Lam suddenly knocked down Thuong.

The state-controlled media also quoted General Secretary Trong at this conference, saying, only from the beginning of the 13th National Congress term until now, “The Central Committee, Politburo, Secretariat, Central Inspection Committee, have disciplined nearly 100 high-ranking officials under central management; Some officials have been criminally prosecuted.”

This shows that the quality of senior personnel selected by General Secretary Trong is very problematic. The case of Thuong who just encountered an “incident” is one of the most bitter examples.

Public opinion questioned why receiving money from a contractor to build the ancestral temple of former Secretary of the Quang Ngai provincial Party Committee Vo Van Thuong – was a big and scandalous incident for a provincial official, acting as released more than 10 years ago.

But why was this case not promptly detected and handled by the Anti-corruption Agency, of which General Secretary Trong is the head?

If Trong had not deliberately hidden Vo Van Thuong’s shortcomings in the past, then today would not be such a problem./.


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